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Help & Support


Support Guidance for Educators & Managers

Please find guidance for educators and managers here.


General Support

Within NHS Trusts, Clinical and Assigned Educational Supervisors, Directors of Medical Education, Medical Directors Nursing, AHP and other Line Managers and FTSU representatives are available as sources of advice and support. You can also contact your GP to discuss matters relating to your mental health and well-being. Your GP can provide more information about relevant services and supports that you can access. NHS staff can access help at


The Royal College of Nursing provides support for members at Unison support advice is detailed here:


RCS England's Confidential Support and Advice Service (0800 028 0199); provides confidential support and advice from a trained counsellor, available 24/7


You can also contact the BMA on 0330 123 1245; Free, confidential, 24/7 counselling and peer support services which are open to all doctors and medical students Advice for LGBT people is available at: and in Ireland, at


The Confederation of British Surgeons offers a confidential helpline CBS Helpline - The Confederation of British Surgery (



Specific for Individuals Affected by Sexual Abuse, Violence, or Other Forms of Sexual Misconduct

Free legal advice is available to women in England and Wales experiencing sexual harassment at work (020 7490 0152)

Rape Crisis covers England, Wales & Scotland | Rape Crisis England & Wales | Rape Crisis Scotland

Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) offer a range of services, including crisis care, medical examinations, emergency contraception and testing for sexually transmitted infections. They can also arrange access to an independent sexual violence advisor, as well as referrals to mental health support and voluntary sector sexual violence support services. SARCs have forensic medical examination facilities should you wish to report the assault to the police or are considering doing this, once you've had time to consider your options. Information on SARCs is available at where you can also find details of your nearest service.


There are SARCs in England & Wales - (England & Wales SARC Finder)

There are also SARCs in Scotland - ( Information Page)

In Ireland, Rape Crisis Centers can help - (Rape Crisis Centers Ireland Map)


Whistleblowing advice

Protect ( provides confidential advice on Whistleblowing. General information on speaking up is available at


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